Dermal filler is a substance that is injected under the skin to fill an area. Although there are different types of fillers, we only use hyaluronic acid fillers. Hylauronic acid is a substance that is present naturally in the body and can be reversed using a medication called Hyalase. Fillers can be used to restore volume in the face where aging has changed the facial structure, contour the face, augment certain features such as lips and treat wrinkles. Depending on the area that is being injected a different filler will be used. Choosing a filler with the right consistency and viscosity is key to achieving the best results. Fillers used to define and volumize the cheeks are thicker than those used to fill lips where movement is essential. It is during your consultation that we come up with a bespoke treatment plan to address the areas to be treated and the most suitable fillers.



Pain relief optional

Results seen immediately

Duration of results 9-18 months

Recovery time immediately

Duration of procedure 30-45 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated

After treatment maybe some redness and bruising