• Common areas to be treated are forehead lines, frown lines, crows feet, down turned mouth, bunny lines, platysmal bands and excessive sweating.

  • The effects usually kick in within 5 days, please allow 2 weeks to see full effects.

  • 3-4 months, this depends on lifestyle and metabolism of each person.

  • Some patients experience a stinging sensation as the botox is being injected. This only lasts a few seconds and completely subsides.

  • You maybe experience, redness, tenderness and bruising. Bruising is usually very minimal and redness subsides within an hour.

  • Please do not taking aspirin or ibuprofen for 3 days prior to treatment as they have blood thinning properties. Avoid consuming alcohol for 24 hours before treatment as this can cause excessive bruising.


  • Fillers can be injected in the cheeks, tear troughs, jawline, lips, chin, temples, nose-to-mouth lines and marionette lines.

  • On average results last 9-12 months. This depends on the area treated, the product used and the patient’s metabolism.

  • Pain will vary depending on the area being treated. Numbing cream will be provided to minimize pain.

  • You may experience some redness, swelling, tenderness and bruising. The most swelling occurs 24 hours after injection and usually subsides within 5 days. If you have an important event please allow for 2 weeks between treatment and social/work event to ensure complete healing.

  • Dr. Sarah Khalifa only uses hyaluronic acid fillers which can be dissolved. These fillers can be dissolved using an injection of Hyaluronidase- an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

  • Please do not taking aspirin or ibuprofen for 3 days prior to treatment as they have blood thinning properties. Avoid consuming alcohol for 24 hours before treatment as this can cause excessive bruising. If you bruise easily, we recommend taking arnica tablets a few days before treatment. This has shown to minimize bruising with our patients.


  • We recommend 6-8 sessions, 4 weeks apart.

  • You will notice that your skin looks vitalized the following day and the skin may feel tighter. Improvement with fine lines, scars and pigmentation are seen after several sessions.

  • Results are long term.

  • Depending on the depth of the needles you may feel discomfort. A numbing cream can be used prior to treatment.

  • You will have some redness and the skin will feel sensitive for up to 3 days.

  • We ask that you stop using retinol, refrain from BHAs and AHAs for a week.


  • We recommend 3 sessions, 3-4 weeks apart.

  • You will notice that your skin looks vitalized the following day and the skin may feel tighter.

  • After a course of 3 sessions result can last up to 6 months.

  • There is minimal discomfort with these superficial injections.

  • You will have some redness and small bumps resembling small mosquito bites. Bruising can occur but it is not common. The redness and bumps settle within 24 hours. If bruising occurs this can take longer to settle.

  • We ask that you stop using retinol, refrain from BHAs and AHAs for a week.


  • Injections can cause temporary red bumps at the site of injections. These resolve within an hour. Bruising may occur after an injection and resolve like any bruise would. You may experience a mild to moderate headache, a tingling sensation or itching after treatment. These are all common side effects that are no cause for concern.

    Initial effects of the treatment will occur within 3-5days, with full effects occurring after two weeks. These will last 3-4 months.

  • - Remain upright for 2 hours

    - Avoid wearing make up until the following day

    - Do not touch injected areas for 6 hours

    - Avoid UV exposure and extreme heat like steam room, sauna, sunbeds for 48 hours

    - Avoid facials and facial massages for 2 weeks

    - Avoid alcohol

    - Avoid strenuous exercise

  • - You develop a heavy brow, droopy eyelid

    - You experience a  side effect that you are concerned about

    - You have any questions or concerns

    - You need adjustments


Please contact Dr. Khalifa IMMEDIATELY if you have symptoms of a blocked vessel, these are outlined below:

- Increasing pain near or above the injection site that is getting progressively worse, this may be accompanied by a pale area of skin which is lacking blood flow. This complication is rare and may require immediate reversal. Dr. Khalifa is always available=;, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

  • As a result of the anaesthetic cream you may feel numbness after the procedure. You will have moderate swelling, redness, tenderness and bruising in the treated area. Please expect even more swelling 24 hours after the procedure, this gradually subsides and has usually settled by 2 weeks. Bruising will become more visible the day after treatment and again gradually subsides, this can last a few weeks.

  • - Avoid wearing make up until the following day

    - Do not touch injected areas for 6 hours

    - Avoid unnecessary pressure over treated areas, its best to sleep on your back.

    - Avoid UV exposure and extreme heat like steam room, sauna, sunbeds for 48 hours

    - Avoid facials and facial massages for 2 weeks

    - Avoid alcohol

    - Avoid strenuous exercise

  • - You swelling, puffiness or lumpiness that persists after a week

    - You can feel the filler become hard or lumpy and there is redness and tenderness after 48 hours. This may indicate that you may need further medical treatment.